In “il Bosco dei Talenti” with Monica Gagliano
In “Il Bosco dei talenti” with Monica Gagliano, Diana Tedoldi interviews Italian-Australian ecologist Monica Gagliano as part of the project ‘Il Bosco dei Talenti’ developed for Blog Intelligenmza Primitiva, in synergy with The Nature Coaching Academy, an international organisation dedicated to training professionals in coaching and deep connection with nature.
According to us, primitive intelligence is the natural ability to take care of ourselves and the life around us, which each of us has and which we share with other living beings, human and non-human.
You can attend one of the many live events we have organised for Monica’s Italian tour in April. A way to get to know her in person and experience deep synergy with nature.
In particular, I would like to suggest the ‘Being Nature’ workshop on 22 and 23 April at Remedia, and the nature immersion in the woods along the Adda river on 29-30 April and 1st May.
the interview with monica gagliano
Today’s guest is Monica Gagliano, an internationally renowned scientist who has contributed like few others in the world to developing the vast field of knowledge inherent to plant intelligence.
Monica is a marine biologist who later converted to the study of plants. She is Italian but has lived in Australia for 20 years.
She teaches evolutionary ecology at the University of Lismore, Australia, where she also directs the Biological Intelligence Laboratory. She is also a researcher at the Environmental Institute of the University of Sydney.
In short, Monica is a woman who has dedicated and is dedicating her entire life to learning about plant intelligence, the cognitive, learning, awareness and communication processes of plants, on which she has published countless scientific articles.
But to scientific knowledge, Monica combines something that few scientists in the world have the courage to do: the exploration of a deeper, invisible dimension of the relationship with her research subjects.
In her latest book ‘Thus spoke the plant’, Monica tells us about her encounter with extraordinary plants, involving us in an absolutely overwhelming way in incredible but true stories.

Monica shows us how plants hear us, how they constantly talk to us, how they want to help us grow.
She guides us to connect with the ‘plantness’ within us, the part of us that is plant.
On the borderline between science and biography, Monica herself calls her book a ‘phytobiography’, written by plants through her.
It is a powerful book that will open the door to a different way of perceiving plant life, and our own lives. Here is a small extract from the book:
You are not looking for the answers, the answers are all already here. You are looking for the questions, know your questions, and you will see the answers.
Monica represents the highest expression of the potential I saw in our relationship with the plant world.
The preface was written by Suzanne Simard, another internationally renowned scientist, a pioneer in the study of plant intelligence, who popularised the concept of the wood wide web and the knowledge of the existence and function of mother trees in a forest.
We now leave you to Monica’s words.

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