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on march 2021 diana and james hosted a workshop for the climate coaching alliance “nature coaching: co-creating change with the natural world”

Join our prioirty list to access the resources that have been shared after the workshop:

  • Reference list with evidence-based researches about the benefits of nature-connection and mindfulness
  • Practices of somatic and ecosomatic connection (guided by my voice, 2 zipped file audio)
  • Link to the nature-connectedness test
  • Invitation to join The Nature Coaching Podcast and The Nature Coaching Summit as guest speaker (only for coaches and other professionals who have a voice to share around nature coaching and nearby topics)
  • Join The Nature Coaching Network on Linkedin: a group for coaches and nature explorers wishing to share reflections, practices and knowledge around coahcing with Nature.

Watch the recording of the workshop:

Get my Nature Coaching E-Book for free!

Discover what Nature Coaching is and what personal experiences have allowed me to give life and shape to this new way of doing coaching, along with many scientific studies that demonstrate the benefits of connecting with nature on our physical and psychological well-being.


Read my article on “Thrive Global”, the new magazine of Arianna Huffington.


Read my article on the Blog of the International Coach Federation.